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kenna jane

To a Dear Friend Grieving

“It is during our darkest moments, that we must focus to see the light.” -Aristotle

Just a little bit ago, I had a very dear friend lose her father. When I first heard, I had no idea what to say or do. My heart just broke for her. I wish I could take her pain away in an instant. My lovely little energetic friend though has been showing me a thing or two about grief… and that is how to grieve with hope.

Grief can feel differently to everyone, but it is something that never fully disappears. Sometimes grief is subtle, like you’re wearing twenty layers of clothes all day. Other times, grief may feel like you’re a punching bag getting hit over and over again… I just want to say that it is okay. It is okay to feel that way.

We can feel grief, pain, and fear, all at the same time too. The interesting thing is that grief can actually reveal us. Grief reveals the beautiful memories we shared with our grandparents. Grief reveals the joy and laughter we had with our friend. Grief reveals the fun we had with our dog. Grief reveals the love we shared with our dad… and the abundance of love we still want to share with them.

Grief reveals the light in some of the darkest moments in life.

Another thing: God does not let us grieve alone. Grief is a journey, and He is with us every step of the way.

If you are grieving over anyone or anything, please be kind to yourself and remember… through the grief, there is still hope and purpose in this pain.


kenna jane

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