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kenna jane

Becoming Encouragers

I’m sure nearly everyone can agree how crazy this past week, or month, or even beginning of 2020 has been. I looked at my planner the other day (for the first time in 2 months) and found a little note I wrote a while back saying… you got this. I do not even remember the moment or reason why I wrote this to myself, but I am sure glad I found it when I did.

This little note reminded me that a while back, I was feeling very similar to how I was feeling now- discouraged. How funny that church this past Sunday was also on… encouragement !! I love how God gives us those little winks in life.

I have come to realize, especially in our world today, how much encouragement can mean to an individual, to their heart, and to their soul. Encouraging is not simply complimenting a person, but showing you support them and believe in them. Encouragement brings hope, comfort, and a listening ear when someone truly needs it most. Encouragement is a catalyst for change.

Human beings were created to be encouragers too! We are called to encourage one another just like we are not to give up on each other (Hebrews 10:25). It can be so easy when we are busy or distracted to just bypass moments where we could encourage. I have personally done this many times, especially when I am trying to cram my psych research project in the night before its due. (not to worry, I finished with a few minutes to spare but finished a box of Cheez-its in the process). There will always be moments where our agenda seems to be the most important or urgent to us, but that is often the same time when someone else needs you even more… or needs to hear, “I am here for you.”

I want to encourage you to go out and find someone to believe in, support, and encourage! It could be your neighbor, a total stranger, the little kid who ran into your heals at Walmart, your spouse, your best friend, yourself…

Be the person that makes everyone feel like a someone.

If you have any cool encouraging moments please share !!


kenna jane

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1 comentário

Shayla Chapman
Shayla Chapman
11 de jun. de 2020

The devil feeds off discouragement and we can’t let him best us! Nice wildflowers Ken Ken

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