“Even here, in my uncertainty, I have found boundless peace.” -MHN
I don’t know about you, but I would LOVE to be able to say this every day! As much of a “glass half full” person I am, there are still moments where my mind and heart feel heavy or even burdened. This is a very real and natural way to feel, however it does help to have ways or tips on lessening that burden.
Ground Yourself, Literally
Something truly amazing is how nature can heal, and it is right in your backyard. Spending time outdoors can boost your mood immensely, helping you let go of the day’s stress and worries. If you don’t believe me, try going outside and taking note of the things surrounding you- smelling the fresh air, feeling the breeze and grass under your feet, letting the sun or rain drip on your skin. These are small things in nature we overlook, yet can be so radical and restorative.
I know I know. I sound like every other counselor or psychologist or parent that has told you journaling your thoughts and feelings can help. The funny thing is… it does! The health benefits of journaling are abundant. No wonder why therapists have used this technique for years. Journaling can be very calming for people, especially if they struggle with anxiety and overthinking. Journaling helps release the millions of thoughts in your brain and organize or clarify them on paper. Below are a few prompts to get you started!
What does my perfect day look like? What would I be doing or feeling?
How did I overcome ______ ?
What brings me the most joy?
What are my greatest strengths? Weaknesses?
Name 5 things you are grateful for.
Self-care is essential in everyone’s life. Self-care helps you have a better relationship with both yourself and others. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy either. Personally, I feel my best when I make it a point to include some self-care in each day (even if it’s the two minutes I have in the morning to pet my cat). I want to encourage you to find your favorite form of self-care and implement it into your daily “to-do’s.” Here are a few self-care habits you may actually love.
Take a walk / jog (outdoors seems like a grand idea).
Make a hot cup of coffee or tea & enjoy it- every sip!
Take a break with some lovely essential oils (check out young living oils- especially LEMON).
Watch your favorite Netflix / Hulu show (not season- don’t worry we have all been there J)
Jam to your favorite song or artist.
Pet your cat or dog.
Do a HITT workout.
Read a few pages from your favorite book.
Create something.
Try having a consistent sleep schedule.
I hope these simple tips can help you find your peace and joy in the uncertainty.
If you have found peace in another way, post it below! I would love to hear.
kenna jane