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kenna jane

Check Your Pace

Updated: May 11, 2020

Have you ever woken up feeling anxious? Just uneasy in the middle of your tummy? This feeling may be especially present with the COVID-19 circumstances. Throughout this time, I have been learning to appreciate some of the simplest of things: gentle rain showers, the spring breeze through a cracked window, fresh cookies in the oven, or free time to truly relax. I was only able to appreciate these little blessings because of my current pace of life.

The pace of life right now could not be any more unique. Some days feel like 2 minutes long while I am accomplishing my daily to-do list. Other days feel 500 hours long, with me having to reheat my coffee every hour. No matter the day, I am noticing the significance of God’s pace becoming greater than my own.

Imagine a child, perhaps your child, running in front of you at the grocery store or park or restaurant or wherever you may be; when they get too far, they often lose their way and cannot reach their final destination. This happens a lot with me and God. However, if we are in step with God, life will come with much more ease.

It can be so difficult to embrace His pace when we have a to-do list we want (need) to accomplish or when we have specific plans in our mind. This is our human nature, especially in a time of uncertainty where people are experiencing unemployment, financial instability, anxiety about sickness, or fear for what is to come. It is all the “what abouts” that get us running in front of God’s timing and perfect plan He has for each one of us.

The GOOD good news is God has promised that He will never forsake His people. God keeps His promises to His children. He is for us, always. Taking God’s pace instead of our own, will lead us to His abundant and everlasting peace.

The next time I try to accomplish every bullet-point on my to-do list, I will remind myself to embrace His pace. Tomorrow, if I worry about my job (which I probably will because I am human), I must remind myself over and over to embrace His pace. Next month if we are still experiencing social distancing, I will remind myself and everyone around me that God’s pace, God’s plan, God’s grace, is so much greater. I hope you can do the same.


kenna jane

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